Advance Coarse Fishing – By Graham Marsden with a forward by Peter Stone

Graham Marsden was one of Britain’s most successful angles in the 70s, and a leading authority on Bream fishing. He has written this very informative and thought-provoking book for the angler who already has a basic knowledge of coarse fishing and wants to go on to catch more and bigger fish, and those especially want to become specimen anglers. The book deals extensively with the way in which fish behave and how it relates to waters that they live. The author believes that successful fishing depends on close study of both fish and habitat, and a carefully planned campaign of action. At the same time he believes that fishing should be fun, and it will be obvious to all anglers who read this entertaining as well as thoughtful book. Published in 1980 and a good read. The book is still in good condition
Only £9.99 and can be signed by myself Clive Branson